Episode 30: I Hate Suzie, The Gentlemen, 3 Body Problem

I Hate Suzie-(Amazon, Max) A black comedy centered around  TV actress Suzie Pickles whose life is upended when her phone is hacked and a scandalous video is released to the public compromising her marriage and career. Suzie goes to great lengths to get her life back on track while increasingly both she and her life fall apart. The only thing saving her may be her best friend and agent but it is Suzie who must save herself.


The Gentlemen- ( Netflix) Action comedy from director Guy Ritchie. Two sons of an artistocratic family find themselves coping with the alliance their late father, a cash strapped duke, arranged, allowing a crime family to use the estate to grow marijuana. The stalwart younger son inherits the estate and a business partnership with a whip smart gangster’s daughter. But how far is he willing to go with this new alliance?

3 Body Problem-( Netflix) Based on the popular Chinese novel this sci fi thriller creates a world where a female Chinese scientist makes contact with an alien culture whose message to earth is received only by her. But these aliens might not mean well. As a matter of fact they will be invading earth. In 400 years. The question. What can earth do to save themselves from these malevolent visitors? Five young scientists join the global challenge to outwit this advanced species.

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Episode 31: Baby Reindeer, Maestro in Blue, Under the Bridge


Episode 29: Monsieur Spade, Expats, True Detective-Night Country