Episode 24: Lupin, Don’t Leave Me, Extraordinary
“Lupin” takes the viewer into the world of Assane, a master thief. In this Third season he must use all his skills to combat a vengeful specter from his past who not only kidnaps Assane’s long-lost mother but also threatens his wife and beloved teenage son.
“Don’t Leave Me” is set in Venice, very much a character in this mystery thriller. After years away, Elena returns to Venice intent on taking down an international network trafficking in human slaves. To unravel this mystery she enlists the help of her former lover, a local detective now happily married to Elena’s one-time best friend. In facing her past Elena must also face a dark secret she has been harboring.
“Extraordinary,” a quirky comedy, takes us into London in the not so distant future where everyone is born with a superpower which surfaces in their teens. The powers are not the usual kind. One teen can move through walls, another can induce an orgasm just by touching someone and another can jump time. Jen is frustrated because, even at 25, she has not found her superpower. Her best friend joins in a quest to jumpstart Jennifer’s superpower while the two girls navigate the struggles of dating, lack-luster jobs and annoying parents.
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